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Three mayors discuss meaning, importance of sustainability

December 11, 2012

The Tempe Republic covered a mayoral forum that took place on Sept. 25. In the Southeast Valley Opinion article, each mayor's opinions and remarks are recorded regarding sustainability plans and future improvements for Mesa, Tempe and Phoenix.

Scott Smith, the mayor of Mesa, believes sustainability is "an environmental issue, an economic issue, a planning issue."

Mark Mitchell, the mayor of Tempe, adds that the hardest challenge in implementing urban sustainability is education. 

"The biggest challenge we have is educating the policymakers, making sure we have a good plan, a mass-transit system, to make sure we have the tools to attract economic-development opportunities," he says.

Greg Stanton, the mayor of Phoenix, advises that sustainability must be taken into consideration now and in the future. 

"Push us to be better leaders," he says. "A lot of people made a lot of money with a sprawl economy. Even when the economy comes roaring back, let’s not do things the same way."

The mayoral forum was part of ASU's Global Institute of Sustainability's Sustainability Series

Article source: Tempe Republic

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