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Chodorow quoted in story on bible, taxation

December 06, 2012

Adam Chodorow, Associate Dean for Innovative Ventures at the College of Law, was interviewed on CNN Radio, Dec. 3, in a segment about the Bible and taxation titled, “WWJD……about taxes.”

The current debate in Washington, D.C., regarding whether the wealthy should pay more in taxes, is a question that actually goes back to the Bible. In the interview, Chodorow recounted a referendum in Alabama a few years ago to change the tax system so that the wealthy paid more.

“One critic of the reform said, and I’m quoting here, ‘God imposes a flat income tax, or tithe, so it must be fair,’ ” Chodorow told CNN. “‘If people do not pay the same tax rate, then obviously the rates must be arbitrary and capricious,’ the critic went on to say.”

Chodorow also said that when people look to the Bible for guidance on tax policy, they’re really looking for values and fairness.

Chodorow specializes in tax, administrative and regulatory law. He teaches a variety of tax courses, as well as a course in business organizations. Chodorow’s research focuses on religious taxation and a variety of contemporary tax issues, such as the taxability of virtual income.

Article source: CNN Radio

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