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Artfest spotlights talents of ASU staff

July 19, 2011

ASU's Summer Staff Artfest – a performance series showcasing the talents of university staff members – was highlighted in a July 17 article in the Chronicle of Higher Education for its potential to help staff make more meaningful connections with their colleagues.

In its fourth year, the community-building event is "more important now than ever, as the university braces for continued budget cuts," Rachel Wiseman writes.

ASU's Judith Smith, media relations officer and the central organizer for the program, told Wiseman the reason she began it: "There are some amazingly talented staff members, and in academe, the faculty usually get all the spotlight."

Barbara P. Huff, a psychology researcher at ASU and Artfest participant, told Wiseman: "It's kind of hard times for every university. Artfest helps staff to understand that we're all together, and that, in spite of the uncertain economic forecast, we can share a few laughs."

Staffer Randy G. Kemp, ASU graphic designer and a Native American musician and artist, said that the Staff Artfest makes the workplace a more intimate, friendly place.

To see the program lineup, visit

To read the ASU News story, visit

Access the complete Chronicle of Higher Education article below.

Article source: Chronicle of Higher Education

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