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Expert explains how Komen Foundation can recover from crisis

February 07, 2012

Rebuilding the damage done to the Komen Foundation's public image will be a formidable task, said ASU's Dawn Gilpin, who teaches public relations at the Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication.
Gilpin recently was asked by NPR in a Q&A segment to discuss the steps Komen can take to rebuild its public image.

NPR writer Alan Greenblatt explains that late last week Komen "announced it would reverse its decision to block most of its grants to Planned Parenthood, which had created a widely discussed controversy. Komen initially said it had cut the group off because Planned Parenthood is the subject of a congressional inquiry into purported use of federal funding to perform abortions.

"But the about-face doesn't mean Komen's troubles are now over," writes Greenblatt. Gilpin, co-author of "Crisis Management in a Complex World," explains why.

Article source: NPR

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